#Amazon SageMaker

Experiment tracking Architecture

Experiment tracking with MLflow inside Amazon SageMaker

Use MLflow to productionize an MXNet model in Amazon SageMaker.

··Cosmin Catalin SANDA
Experiment tracking with MLflow inside Amazon SageMaker
Model to ONNX stack

MXNet to ONNX to ML.NET with Amazon SageMaker, ECS and ECR

Use MXNet to create an ONNX model that can be used in ML.NET for inference.

··Cosmin Catalin SANDA
MXNet to ONNX to ML.NET with Amazon SageMaker, ECS and ECR
Spectrograms of short audio clips

Voice Recognition with MXNet and Amazon SageMaker

Learn to use a CNN defined in MXNet to recognize the AWS Polly voice in an audio recording.

··Cosmin Catalin SANDA
Voice Recognition with MXNet and Amazon SageMaker

Count Objects in an Image with MXNet and Amazon SageMaker

End-to-end tutorial showing how to train a CNN model that can count the objects in an image.

··Cosmin Catalin SANDA
Count Objects in an Image with MXNet and Amazon SageMaker